Thursday, June 14, 2007

Not jewelry...

But look what I made tonight.

We went and picked out our strawberries. I have so many left. I'll probably end up making another pie. Oh my, are they heaven in pie form :)

Sometimes Im just in awe at the beautiful things that Mother Earth creates. Hell, most of the time I am. From huge natural rock formations to medicinal plants to the beautiful little strawberry.

If anyone wants the recipe for the pie, it was super easy and on the back of a label for a pie crust. I would be more than happy to post it if someone wants it.

1 comment:

Goddessjoy said...

You're so mean to me! I LOVE strawberries, but alas, I'm deathly allergic to them. *pout* They look beautiful though, kudos Miss Green Thumb. :)